Law 7: Get Others To Do The Work For You

This article is about Law 7: Get Others To Do The Work For You, But Always Take The Credit, from the book 48 Laws of Power. We live in a fast-paced world where time is of the essence. Trying to accomplish everything on our own can be overwhelming and exhausting. It takes work to maintain efficiency and speed while juggling multiple tasks.

Imagine the frustration of spending countless hours on tasks that could quickly be done by others. Wasting valuable time and energy on menial work hinders your ability to focus on what truly matters – advancing your cause and achieving success.

This guide teaches you a revolutionary approach to productivity – harnessing collective power. With this method, you can unlock unparalleled efficiency and success. By leveraging the wisdom, knowledge, and legwork of others, you can save valuable time and energy while projecting an image of godlike efficiency and speed.

Law 7: Get Others To Do The Work For You, But Always Take The Credit

Use the wisdom, knowledge, and legwork of other people to further your own cause. Not only will such assistance save you valuable time and energy. It will give you a godlike aura of efficiency and speed. In the end, your helpers will be forgotten, and you will be remembered. Never do yourself what others can do for you.

Robert Greene

Tesla’s Idealism vs. Edison’s Pragmatism

The world of science sometimes seems like this high-and-mighty realm, floating above the chaos of human rivalry. Nikola Tesla, a brilliant inventor, was totally buying into that idea. He viewed science as this untainted sanctuary, far from the messy politics, and brushed off fame and wealth like pesky flies.

But, lo and behold, this mindset seriously hit his scientific pursuits as time passed. With no strong affiliations to any particular discovery, he struggled to reel backers for his ingenious concepts. While he was dreaming up these groundbreaking innovations for the future, sneaky opportunists swiped the patents he’d already carefully crafted, leaving him in the shadows as they hogged the spotlight.

Tesla’s grand plan was to be a lone wolf, a solo act in the scientific circus. Yet, as they say, life had other plans. His lone-wolf strategy backfired, draining his energy and bank account.

Now, meet Thomas Edison. He’s like Tesla’s polar opposite. Edison wasn’t precisely the Einstein of his time; he even cheekily claimed he didn’t need to be a math wizard because he could hire one on demand. And boy, did he stick to that script.

Edison wasn’t just a scientific thinker; he was more of a shrewd entrepreneur with a knack for sniffing out trends and capitalizing on opportunities. He’d identify the golden geese, then assemble a crack team to do the heavy lifting. And if the situation demanded it, he wasn’t above swiping ideas from his competitors. Yet, Edison’s name shines bright in the annals of history, far more than Tesla’s, tied to many inventions.

Harsh Truth: Credit For Work Is Sometimes More Important Than The Work Itself

You must make sure you claim that credit for yourself. Don’t let anyone swoop in and snatch it away or ride on your hard-earned success. It’s all about protecting what’s rightfully yours and allowing your efforts to shine like a boss.

Here’s a double-barreled lesson: First, never underestimate the importance of getting credit for your brilliant invention or creation. It’s just as crucial, if not more, than what you’ve created. So, grab that credit firmly, and don’t let anyone swipe it from under your nose or hitch a ride on your sweat and toil.

To pull this off, you gotta be as sharp as a hawk, always on the lookout, and ready to protect your brainchild. Keep it hush-hush until you’re sure no vultures are circling overhead, eager to steal your thunder. In this cutthroat world, vigilance and ruthlessness are your allies to safeguard what’s rightfully yours.

Vultures and The Dark Art of Thriving Without the Effort

The wild world of power resembles the rules of the jungle. Here, you’ve got the hunters and killers hustling to secure their spot at the top. But there’s a whole bunch of creatures, like hyenas and vultures, who prefer to feast on the hard work of others. They lack imagination and the drive to create power themselves.

Instead, these cunning critters quickly grasp the art of waiting it out. They know that sooner or later, another unsuspecting animal will come along and do the heavy lifting for them.

Sneaky, huh? It’s all about finding shortcuts and letting others pave the way to success while they reap the rewards without breaking a sweat. Survival of the shrewdest.

The vulture is the slick operator of the jungle. He thrives on the hard work of others, turning it into his own success, and even feeds on their failures for sustenance. So, while you’re toiling away, beware of the vulture circling overhead, ready to swoop in.

Embrace Your Inner Vulture

Hey, let’s get real here. While you’re pouring your heart and soul into your project, sneaky vultures are already plotting ways to feed off your creativity and hard work. Complaining won’t change a thing, and bitterness will only drain your energy.

So, why not be strategic and protect yourself? Once you’ve got a solid foundation of power, flip the script and play the game. Embrace your inner vulture, using your wits to save precious time and energy. It’s survival of the fittest out there, and being savvy can lead to your own prosperity. Get ready to soar like a vulture on a mission.

Instead of fighting vultures, consider joining forces with these savvy opportunists. Learn from their ways and figure out how to work smart like he does. Adapt and leverage the efforts of others to propel yourself forward. Remember, sometimes playing the game can be the key to unlocking your true potential.

How To Get The Work Done From Others

Master the art of having others do the work while you claim the credit, and you’ll emanate godlike strength and wield mighty power. Trying to do it all solo won’t get you very far.

Outsource Your Work

Time’s a precious commodity, and life’s way too short to exhaust yourself trying to do it all solo. Instead, be savvy and maximize other people’s hard work to boost your game. Why reinvent the wheel when you can save your energy and avoid burnout?

So, conserve your forces, seize the opportunities presented by the work of others, and put your own twist on it. Collaboration and innovative thinking can take you leaps and bounds further without running yourself ragged. Remember, it’s not about stealing but finding ways to align your interests and aspirations.

Seek out people who possess the skills and creativity you lack. Team up with them by hiring them and placing your name on top, or find clever ways to incorporate their work into your own, making it a unique masterpiece. It’s all about collaboration and intelligent moves. That’s how you ascend to the realm of the powerful and create your own legendary legacy.

Outsourcing your work can go both ways. You can be ethical by paying the appropriate price or cheating like a heartless vulture. This decision is up to you.

Borrowed Mastery: Unmasking the Power of the Past

Here’s another nifty twist to this law that doesn’t involve exploiting your contemporaries’ hard work like a parasite: Embrace the power of the past—a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom. As Isaac Newton put it, “standing on the shoulders of giants.” In his discoveries, he acknowledged building upon the achievements of others.

So, learn to tap into past wisdom, and you’ll shine like a genius, even if you’re a clever borrower. By leveraging the collective knowledge of those who came before, you’ll gain invaluable insights and put them to brilliant use. It’s all about honoring the past while forging a trailblazing path to your own success.

Embrace the magic of borrowing wit and skills from the masters of the past. With their brilliance at your fingertips, you’ll be a true force to reckon with, and no one will ever suspect your unoriginal ways. Why slog through life, making endless mistakes, wasting time and energy when you can tap into the wisdom of those who’ve walked the path before?

So, ditch the trial-and-error approach and instead harness the vast armies of the past. Their knowledge will be your secret weapon, guiding you toward triumph and mastery. It’s like having an army of mentors paving the way to your success.

Further Reading: Austin Kleon’s Steal Like An Artist summary explains the wisdom of using this tactic in detail.

The Art of Taking and Giving Credit

Listen up because there’s a delicate balance to be struck here. Taking credit for others’ work might not be the wisest move at times, especially if your power isn’t rock-solid yet. Pushing people out of the limelight could backfire and harm your reputation.

To be a master at harnessing talent, ensure your position is unshakable and your influence well-established. With a solid foundation, you can confidently acknowledge your team’s efforts while guiding them toward more tremendous success.

But tread carefully; any hint of deception could tarnish your image. Being an authentic leader means recognizing and supporting the brilliance of others while maintaining your own strength and authenticity.

Know when to share the spotlight. Letting others share the credit can be a brilliant strategy when it serves your purpose. And here’s a golden tip: when you’ve got a master above you, avoid being greedy.

Be a master at taking credit for the work of those below you while graciously attributing credit for your efforts to those above you.

It’s all about striking the perfect balance to navigate power dynamics smoothly. By doing so, you’ll be adept at building upward and downward relationships in the hierarchy. Remember, it’s all part of the game, and mastering this art will take you far.

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