Law 11: Learn To Keep People Dependent On You

This article concerns Law 11 of 48 Laws of Power – Learn To Keep People Dependent on You. The most successful and influential folks in history, they had this exceptional talent. They could forge unbreakable, long-lasting relationships built on dependency.

This ultimate guide is like a treasure trove, packed with rock-solid insights and proven techniques to keep others dependent on you. When you master the art of dependency, you’re unlocking a new level of power and influence.

Law 11: Learn To Keep People Dependent On You

To maintain your independence, you must always be needed and wanted. The more you are relied on, the more freedom you have. Make people depend on you for their happiness and prosperity, and you have nothing to fear. Never teach them enough so that they can do without you.

Real Power Is Fighting Without Fighting

Ultimate power is about getting people to do your bidding without force or intimidation. When they happily give you what you want, that’s when your power is untouchable.

The ultimate strategy to grab that power is by creating a tight relationship of dependence. It’s like having others wrapped around your finger, relying on you for everything they need.

Why Joining Forces with Powerful People Can Be A Big Mistake

Teaming up with the big shots can be a wrong move. They’ll gobble you up like it’s nobody’s business.

But if you’re ambitious, seek out those weak rulers or masters and get cozy with them. You become their everything, muscles, brain, and whole backbone!

The world works on necessity. Nobody does anything unless they have to. So, don’t be useless, or you’ll be out of here in a heartbeat. Stay needed, stay wanted. That’s the key.

Dependence Is Not Love

Don’t get it twisted – your master’s dependence on you won’t necessarily translate to love. It might even stir up some resentment and fear. But let’s take a page from Machiavelli’s book – it’s wiser to be feared than loved. Fear, you can handle, but love? It’s tricky and unpredictable.

So, don’t rely on those subtle emotions like love or friendship because that’ll make you insecure. The real deal is having others depend on you out of sheer fear of what might happen.

How To Keep Someone Dependent On You

It would be best if you made others dependent on you. Getting rid of you would be a disaster, or even worse, a death sentence, and your master won’t dare to take that risk.

Now, there are plenty of ways to secure that position. You must be smart, use your wits, and create that unbreakable bond. It’s like setting up a fortress, and you’re the king of the castle.

Intensive Power

The number one key is having talent and creative skills just off the charts. You must be so darn good that there’s no way anyone can fill your shoes. It’s like you’re in a league of your own, untouchable and irreplaceable. That’s how you rock the boat.

You must have that particular skill that makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd. And here’s the trick – set it up so you can quickly move on to another master or patron. In contrast, your master can’t find another servant with your unique talent just like that.

Michelangelo had this intense power, all hinging on his one killer skill as an artist. Be so crucial that those who hire you are stuck with you like glue. They won’t even know how to get rid of you because you’re irreplaceable. Own that position. Make it yours.

Fake It Til You Make It

When you’re not genuinely indispensable, you must work some magic to make it seem like you are. You must put on that show and give them the illusion of specialized knowledge and skills, just enough to deceive those above you into thinking they can’t survive without you.

When your master genuinely depends on you, you hold all the cards. It’s like you got them wrapped around your finger. And guess what? You always have the time to make your skills genuinely indispensable.

Extensive Power

If you can establish a position critical to the organization or your master, it will be difficult for them to let you go. Your role will be entangled with the organization’s operations, and attempting to remove you could cause unforeseen consequences.

The secret to making yourself indispensable is to create this tight bond, a relationship of dependence. The master must need your services so badly. He’s weak and can’t do a thing without you.

You’ve got yourself involved in his work so profoundly that taking you out of the equation would give him significant headaches or, at the very least, waste a lot of time training someone new to fill your shoes.

Once you got that relationship going strong, you’re in control. You hold all the cards, the leverage to make the master dance to your tune. You’re pulling the strings, making them do as you wish.

American diplomat, Henry Kissinger, had extensive power. He spread himself across so many aspects and departments that it became a significant asset. It got him allies left and right.

Secret Intelligence Tactic

This move is about creating dependence by knowing other people’s deep dark secrets. When you have all that juicy information people wouldn’t want out in the open, you make this unbreakable bond with them. It’s like your destinies are intertwined, and you become untouchable. You got them in your hand.

Do you know what’s crazy? This tactic is jam-packed with insecurities and paranoia. It’s like you’re constantly fighting against the power it offers, and it almost cancels itself out! It’s like having a superpower and these crazy kryptonite-like challenges that mess with your head.

Intensive Power Beats Extensive Power

The intensive power gives you way more freedom than the extensive one. Those who hold it don’t rely on any specific master or position of power for their security. They’re like free birds, soaring high and mighty, not tied down to anyone or anything.

Power Is Not About Being Independent

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking ultimate power is all about being independent. No, power is all about relationships, about connecting with others. You must have allies by your side, use some folks as pawns, and even find those weak masters who can play their part in your grand scheme.

The ultimate goal is to make others so dependent on you that you flip the script and experience reverse independence. When they can’t get enough of you and rely on you like nobody’s business, guess what? You’re set free, all thanks to their need for you.

What happens to people who don’t make others dependent on them? It’s like this – sooner or later, out of nowhere, someone younger and fresher steps in, ready to do the job just as good but way cheaper.

The Downside of Making Others Dependent On You

There’s a catch when you make others depend on you – you are somewhat dependent on them too. But if you want to step up your game, you have to break free from that point. It’s like saying goodbye to those above you, standing tall all by yourself, being your boss, and depending on no one but yourself.

But there’s a price to pay for that kind of independence. You must be ready to go solo, which might mean isolating yourself. It’s like being on your island, making tough choices, but it’s all part of the game. Power comes with a cost, but the rewards can be sweet.

Here’s the thing. Chasing after total control can be a total train wreck. The truth is interdependence is the name of the game, and true independence is a rare and risky road. It’s like the law of the land, and going against it can lead to severe consequences, even fatal ones! So remember, play it smart, and work together to thrive.

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