This article provides the Never Split The Difference summary by chapter. Written by Chris Voss, a retired FBI International hostage negotiator, this book is your ticket to becoming a negotiation master, and here’s why you need to dive into this right now:
Negotiation isn’t just a skill; it’s a superpower. Knowing how to negotiate is essential, whether at the bargaining table or in everyday life. With his years of high-pressure experience, Chris Voss is your ultimate mentor. He’s been in situations where negotiations meant life or death, and he’s here to teach you the secrets.
What makes this book stand out? It’s not theory; real-world tactics have been tested in intense situations. These techniques aren’t just theory; they’re proven strategies that work when the stakes are sky-high.
The best part? You don’t need to be a hostage negotiator to benefit from these lessons. You can apply them in every corner of your life, from business deals to personal relationships.
Never Split The Difference Summary by Chapter
Chapter 1: The New Rules
Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of negotiation strategies, let’s get one thing straight: you don’t need to love negotiation, but you must clearly understand how it works.
Forget about battles; think of negotiation as your secret discovery mission. It’s not about proving you’re right; it’s about uncovering hidden gems of information.
The Right Mindset Matters Most
Negotiation is not about being right; it’s about having the right mindset. Success in negotiation starts with the way you think. Open your mind, and the doors to negotiation mastery swing wide open.
So, before diving headfirst into negotiation tactics, ensure your mindset is right. You’re about to uncover the secrets to everyday negotiation, which begins with how you approach.
Negotiation Is Emotional Intelligence On Steroids
Forget what you knew about negotiating. People previously thought negotiation was all about being logical and convincing. They believed if you had the facts and reasons, you’d win. But life is more complicated. Emotions, feelings, and unpredictable choices matter a lot.
Voss believes knowing people’s feelings is more important than having good arguments. When people think you understand them, they’re more likely to cooperate.
Becoming a Great Negotiator: The Power of Asking the Right Things
Have you ever considered how savvy hostage negotiators can get what they want without giving up too much? It’s like a secret superpower; the good news is you can use it in your everyday life, too!
Most of the time, when we talk to people, we just express a basic desire: “I want this!” It’s like a natural instinct, like when you’re hungry and want your favorite food.
Here’s the big secret: You can get what you want, but you’ve got to ask for it correctly. It’s like ordering food at a restaurant. You need to use the right words on the menu.
The FBI’s negotiation experts use this powerful tool called “open-ended” or “calibrated” questions. These are like questions where there’s no one correct answer. It’s like asking a question that opens a treasure chest of information without giving away your secret map.
Listening: Your Superpower in Negotiation
The best and easiest thing you can do in a negotiation is listen. It’s like having a superpower, and the best part? It doesn’t cost a thing! When you listen carefully, it shows that you care and want to understand the other person.
To be an excellent listener, forget the thoughts swirling in your head. Imagine a big spotlight shining on the other person whose words are the main event. It’s like watching their show, not yours.
By listening, you can calm things down, guide the conversation, and even come out on top in any negotiation. And guess what? You can do all of this while being really good at building and keeping relationships!
Chapter 2: Be a Mirror
Mirroring is like a fancy word for something simple: repeating the last few words someone said. It’s like playing a verbal copycat!
Why Mirroring Works: It’s All About Being Alike
We’re afraid of what’s different but attracted to what’s the same. It’s like magnets – opposites repel, but similarities attract. Mirroring is like the magic spell that makes this happen.
It’s all about creating a sense of being alike, which helps people bond. You can do this with the way you talk, your body language, the words you use, how fast you speak, and even the tone of your voice.
But here’s the secret sauce: when you’re using mirroring in negotiations, you’re like a word detective. You pay close attention to the other person’s words and nothing else. It’s not about their body language, their accent, or how they sound. Just the words!
All you need to do is repeat the last three words someone said (or even the most important one to three words).
Mastering Your Negotiation Voice: Three Tones You Should Know
When it comes to your negotiation voice, think of it like a toolbox with three different tools. Each tool serves a specific purpose, so let’s break them down:
- The Late-Night FM DJ Voice. Imagine you’re a smooth late-night radio DJ. This voice is like a calm, slow, and authoritative tone. It’s for those moments when you want to make a strong point without making the other person defensive. Picture it as your “I mean business” voice.
- The Positive/Playful Voice: This one’s your everyday voice, your default setting. It’s all about being easygoing and friendly. When you use this tone, relax and smile while you talk. It’s like having a friendly chat, creating a warm and encouraging atmosphere. It’s your go-to tone for most negotiations.
- The Direct or Assertive Voice: Be careful with this one; it’s like a sharp tool that can cut both ways. This tone is assertive and direct. But here’s the thing: it can lead to confrontations if you’re not careful. So, use it sparingly and only when you need to push a point.
Chapter 3: Don’t Feel Their Pain, Label It
In this chapter, Voss explains the power of tactical empathy. It is like wearing the other person’s shoes without necessarily agreeing with them. It’s about understanding their feelings and point of view. By showing you where they’re coming from, you build trust and create a connection.
The Labeling Technique
Labeling is like putting a name on the emotions the other person is feeling. It’s saying, “I see you’re frustrated,” or “I understand this is important to you.” This simple move shows empathy and makes the other person feel heard. It’s like defusing a bomb of tension and opening the door to better communication.
Labeling also helps turn down the volume of negative feelings. It’s like shining a light on those scary monsters under the bed. Putting words to those fears makes them less complex, opening the door to more rational talk.
But here’s the trick: labeling isn’t just about throwing out random words. It should be done calmly and respectfully, without being judgy. After you’ve labeled, the next move is silence. Give the other person space to share more and keep the conversation going.
So, labeling isn’t just about tagging emotions; it’s a versatile skill. It can improve the good things and turn the not-so-good things into opportunities for understanding. It’s like a secret weapon for building connections and making negotiations work.
Chapter 4: Beware “Yes”—Master “No”
In Chapter 4, Chris Voss flips the script on how we see the word “NO.” Here’s what it’s all about, in simple terms:
The “Yes” Trap
Most think getting a quick “yes” in a negotiation is a win. But Voss says, “Hold on a minute!” Sometimes, that “yes” doesn’t mean much. It could be just to make you happy, not a real commitment.
The Mighty “No”
Instead, Voss tells us that “no” can be a great starting point. When someone says “no,” they say, “I have my limits.” They feel in control, and that can open up a real conversation.
Three Kinds of “No”
Voss breaks down “no” into three types:
- Counterfeit “No”: A “no” meant to lead to a “yes.”
- Confirmation “No”: A “no” means they agree.
- Commitment “No”: A solid “no” where they stick to their decision.
Turning “No” into “That’s Right”
A savvy negotiator can use “no” to reach a breakthrough. The goal is to make the other person say, “That’s right,” which means they feel heard and understood.
Instead of avoiding “no,” Voss tells us to invite it. Ask questions that let the other person say “no.” It gives them control and helps them understand their limits.
If you get a “no,” don’t worry. Follow up with questions like, “What’s not working?” or “What would make it work?” This can lead to some beneficial answers.
Chapter 5: Trigger the Two Words that Immediately Transform Any Negotiation
In Chapter 5 of “Never Split the Difference,” Chris Voss reveals the incredible power of two little words: “That’s right.” Let’s break it down in simple terms:
The Magic of “That’s Right”
When someone says, “That’s right,” it’s like a big thumbs-up. It means they really get what you’re saying and agree with it. It’s a sign of understanding and being on the same page.
To reach “That’s right,” you need to use tactical empathy. It’s all about understanding how the other person feels and what they think. Then, you show them that you know. This helps build trust and brings people closer.
“That’s Right” Is Not the Same As “You’re Right”
Don’t get confused with “You’re right.” That’s often just a way to keep someone happy without really agreeing. “That’s right” is the real deal – both sides agree.
Steps to “That’s Right”
To make “That’s right” happen, you follow these steps:
- Listen Carefully: Pay close attention to what the other person says and how they feel.
- Repeat Back: Say what they said to show you were listening.
- Say You Understand: Tell them you understand their feelings, even if you disagree.
- Share Your Understanding: When you do this right, they often respond with “That’s right.”
More Than Just Words
It’s not just about making someone say, “That’s right.” It’s about really understanding each other. It’s like building a solid bridge of trust and connection.
Once you get a “That’s right,” it’s like a roadblock disappearing. People become more open to ideas and solutions, and the negotiation gets smoother.
Chapter 6: Bend Their Reality
In Chapter 6 of “Never Split the Difference,” Chris Voss shows how people’s minds work during negotiations. Let’s explore how he talks about bending reality to your advantage:
Anchoring Power
Anchoring is when someone suggests a starting point in a negotiation, influencing how the rest of the negotiation goes. In most cases, people rely heavily on the first information they get. This could be the first number or offer thrown on the table in negotiations.
Extreme Anchors
Voss suggests that sometimes starting with a super high or low offer is wise. This sets the stage and makes future offers seem more reasonable, even if they’re still pretty good for you.
Fairness Matters
Everyone wants to be treated fairly. Voss says you can use this by saying, “I just want a fair deal.” It makes people more willing to work with you because they don’t want to look unfair.
Fear of Losing
Loss aversion means people hate losing something more than they like gaining something. So, framing negotiations regarding what someone might lose can be super effective.
Non-Money Stuff Counts
It’s not just about money. Thinking about non-money things that might matter to the other person. Offering these can make your deal more attractive without costing you much.
The Power of Time
Time can be a big deal in negotiations. Deadlines can make things happen, but you should be careful about rushing. Sometimes, just waiting and letting the other person feel pressure is clever.
Chapter 7: Create the Illusion of Control
People like feeling in control. When they feel in charge, they’re more likely to cooperate. But they might get defensive if they think they’re not in control. Chris Voss learned this from his experience.
Using Calibrated Questions
Use particular questions that make the other person feel in control. These questions start with “how” or “what” and don’t have “yes” or “no” answers. They help guide the conversation without making the other person feel pressured.
The Power of Silence
Sometimes, staying quiet can make the other person talk more. People often don’t like silence and want to fill it. When they talk more, they might reveal important information.
Avoiding Blame
Instead of blaming someone directly, use these questions to help them realize things independently. It’s like letting them figure out their mistakes without you saying they’re wrong.
Leading Without Pushing
You can guide the conversation without being too forceful. It’s like gently steering a boat in the right direction instead of pushing it.
Chapter 8: Guarantee Execution
In Chapter 8, Chris Voss reminds us that agreeing with someone is not enough. We need to actually follow through and make it happen.
The “How” Question
Instead of just saying, “Let’s do it,” you should ask, “How are we going to do it?” This makes the other person think about the steps to make the agreement work.
It’s like working together to figure out the plan. This makes them more likely to do what they agreed to.
Signs of Real Commitment
- If the other person explains the agreement in their own words, it shows they’re serious.
- Body Language: When what they say matches how they act and look
- They’re paying attention if they talk about all the little details.
The Rule of Three
Make the other person confirm the same point three times. This makes them more committed to what they’re saying.
How to Push Past Yes
A simple agreement isn’t the end goal. Voss encourages negotiators to:
- Clarify terms: After you agree, you must ensure you both understand the deal similarly.
- Confirm details: You should also talk about the details, like when and who will do what
- Address concerns: Consider what could go wrong and how you’ll handle it.
Dealing with Liars
People who aren’t honest tend to talk a lot to cover up their lies. If someone says too much when they agree to something, it might mean they’re not being truthful.
Voss believes that not all counterparts will be honest. He provides strategies to handle such situations, including:
- Test Their Willingness: Propose terms that are only acceptable if genuine.
- Seek Corroboration: Ask for details or evidence that supports their claims.
- Trust, but Verify: Proceed cautiously, ensuring safeguards are in place.
Chapter 9: Bargain Hard
Bargaining is like a dance where you and the other person move to reach a good deal without stepping on each other’s toes.
The Ackerman Model – A Closer Look
Here’s the approach you can try when you find yourself in a bargaining situation:
- Start with An Extreme Anchor: When you begin a negotiation by offering a price much lower than what you really want, like 65% of your ideal price, it helps set the stage. This starting point makes any future offers seem more reasonable. It might seem aggressive, but it’s done intentionally to create some wiggle room for the negotiation process.
- Making Planned Changes: The adjustments you make afterward, like offering 85% and then 95% of your target price, are planned to look like you’re giving in a lot, even if you’re still aiming for your goal. It’s like stepping back while making the other side feel like they’re progressing towards their goal.
- Using Exact Numbers: When you use specific numbers like $7,895 instead of round numbers like $8,000, it seems like you’ve done your homework and thought things through. It makes it more challenging for the other party to question the number without a good reason.
- The Final Request: Near the end of the negotiation, asking for something small can often make both sides feel like they’ve won. It doesn’t have to be a big deal, but bringing it up after the main terms are settled can surprise the other party and help lock in your agreement.
Dealing with Tough Bargainers
Use Silence: If the other person is harsh, staying quiet can make them uncomfortable and say more.
Empathy: Understand their feelings and say you get why they want certain things.
Setting Limits: Tell them what you won’t accept and when you might walk away if they are too aggressive.
Pivoting Technique
When you face resistance or a “no,” don’t give up. Instead, ask questions like, “How can we make this work?” This keeps the conversation going and may lead to a better agreement.
Chapter 10: Find the Black Swan
In this chapter, Voss discusses the “Black Swan” in negotiations. He got this idea from a book called “The Black Swan” by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, which talks about how unexpected events can significantly impact the world. Voss applies this idea to negotiations.
Surprises in Negotiations
In negotiations, surprises come up unexpectedly and can completely change the negotiation. These can be hidden information or secret factors that, when revealed, can make a big difference.
They could be things like what motivates the other side, the pressure they’re under, their hidden interests, or people involved that you didn’t know about.
Finding these surprises can give you an advantage, open new ways to make a deal, and even change the conversation. It’s like having powerful cards to play in a game that can help you win.
Three Types of Black Swans
Voss says that in every negotiation, there are usually three surprises waiting to be discovered:
- Things you don’t know: This is information about the other side’s situation, what pressures they’re facing, what motivates them, or what problems they’re dealing with.
- Things they don’t know: Sometimes, the other side might not know about certain things, like problems or benefits, and if you tell them, it can change how they feel about the deal.
- Things they don’t know that you know: This is information you’ve discovered secretly about the other side’s situation, needs, or limits.
How to Uncover Black Swans
Active Listening: One way to discover surprises is by listening carefully and paying attention. It can reveal critical information if you notice small details or things that don’t add up.
Tactical Empathy: They might share more and reveal surprises by showing empathy and making the other side comfortable.
Calibrated Questions: Asking questions like “What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing?” or “How does this decision affect you?” can get the other side to tell you important things.
Adapting to Black Swans
You might need to change your negotiation strategy when you find a surprise. Voss says it’s essential to be flexible and ready to adjust your approach based on your learning.